3 tips for a successful virtual photoshoot


Shoot day used to be a client treat; a break from the same old office and a chance to step into a fun, energetic space with great music and lots of snacks (or at least that’s how we roll at FML Studio).

Virtual photoshoots have become the next best thing, but they can be a challenge for the uninitiated. Here are 3 tips for navigating the world of virtual photoshoots to ensure you get all the perks of the real deal (BYO snacks).

  1. Plan accordingly. Preproduction is an important part of any shoot, but it becomes crucial when it comes to a virtual shoot. Why? Because you lose the ability to comb through a prop closet in real time if something needs tweaking. For a successful virtual shoot, give extra consideration to the details of the prepro deck, anticipating potential changes up-front. Think you like a prop but not completely sure? Don’t get caught scrambling to find a replacement when you don’t love it in-camera. Now is the time to consider backup options for a seamless pivot.

  2. Be present. Shoot day formerly brought with it the joy of turning on an out-of-office message, also known as a free pass to ignore email for the day; after all, being on set requires your full attention, right? The key to a successful virtual shoot is to pretend it’s 2019. Sure, it can be tempting to schedule back-to-back Zoom calls while awesome content is magically created, but not being present to give real-time feedback can result in not getting exactly what you want – or worse, could rack up costly charges from overtime, reshooting or correction in post.

  3. Open communication. If you read the last tip and thought, “Yeah right, I can’t sit here all day just staring at a live feed – I have things to do,” we get it. Here’s the secret to multi-task like a virtual pro: open a browser tab to the virtual shoot and trust that the producer will text you when the set is ready for approval. Attend to the text in real time, cruise over to the live tab, give feedback, stay tuned until you’re satisfied and then go back about your business. Repeat.

Curious about FML Live, Ford Media Lab’s virtual shoot platform? Click here for a demo.
Ready to book your virtual shoot? Shoot us an email by clicking on the button below.